Plot metabolic control and response analysis results

plotControlAndResponseAnalysis(mcaResults, ensemble, categories, enzymeCategories)

Plots the results from the control and response analysis, four subplots are generated: one for flux control coefficients, one for concentration control, one for enzyme response coefficients, and one for concentration response coefficients.

To plot only some of the reactions/enzymes, the categories argument should be used to specify which reactions should be included in the plot. The categories cell should look like

{reactionGroupName1, listOfReactions1; reactionGroupName2, listOfReactions2}


{‘Glycolysis’,[1,20]; ‘Pentose Phosphate Pathway’,[25,34]}


plotControlAndResponseAnalysis(mcaResults, ensemble, categories)


mcaResults (struct): MCA results ensemble (struct): model ensemble, see buildEnsemble for fields description categories (cell): categories to be included in the plot