Reaction pattern

reactionPattern(patternName, reactionName, flag, strucIdx, promiscuousRxnI)

Main function to build the reaction rate equation and to extract the required parameters for the subsequent sampling.


[revMatrix, forwardFlux, metList] = reactionPattern(patternName, reactionName, flag, strucIdx, promiscuousRxnI)


patternName (char vector): input file which descrips the enzyme mechanism reactionName (char): name of the reaction flag (int): if 1, write the reaction rate function (optional) else if 2, write the corresponding allosteric mechanism strucIdx (int): ID of the model structure promiscuousRxnI (int): index of promiscuous reaction


revMatrix (int vector): reversibility matrix with all the cycles in the reaction pattern forwardFlux (int matrix): list with the edges of the forward reactions metList (char cell): list with the reaction metabolites